
Is my diagnosis of anaemia correct?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: Recently, I was diagnosed with anaemia (Hb 8.6). I have been prescribed Fersolate-CM (2 tablets a day) along with Supradyn (2 tablets a day) for 6 months. Will this be sufficient for bringing the Hb level to normal? Apart from this and an iron-rich diet, what else would I need to take?

A:The work-up for a patient of anaemia includes not just the estimation of haemoglobin but a complete blood count (which includes the red cell indices), estimation of reticulocyte count and a peripheral smear examination. This helps to define the cause and direct further investigations (if warranted). In case you have iron deficiency, then you would need iron supplementation, which will need to be continued for at least 3 months after the haemoglobin returns to normal so that the marrow iron stores can be replenished. In case the tests suggest vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, you would need appropriate supplementation. Moreover, it is important to know what lead to the anaemia as unless the underlying cause is treated, the anaemia would recur.