
Is my daughter suffering from tuberculosis?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: My 10 months old daughter had redness in the left eye. We consulted a doctor who told us that it might be due to some allergic reactions and suggested a Mantoux test for her. Her Mantoux test result showed 22 mm induration. Is my daughter suffering from tuberculosis? BCG has already been given.

A:A mantoux test of 22 mm induration indicates presence of TB infection. Giving BCG vaccine does not prevent TB infection, but confers protection against more severe forms of TB like brain TB and TB spread in many parts of the body. While positive mantoux test can also be seen due to BCG vaccination , the induration is usually less than 10 mm. You should get your child thoroughly evaluated by a pediatrician for TB involvement of other parts of body like lungs, lymph nodes etc. Treatment can then be planned. Fortunately TB is a completely curable disease in the present times