Is my daughter's growth age appropriate?
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi
Q: My daughter is 7 years and 9 months old. She weighs of 19.5 kgs and her height is 110 cm. Is her growth correct? Mother's height: 150 cm; Weight: 57 kg. Father's height: 171 cm; Weight: 85 kg. We are vegetarians.
A:If we compare your child's weight and height with the expected parameters for girls of her age, she is on the shorter side though her weight is appropriate for her height. However, her height is commensurate with that of both of you, since a child inherits her growth potential from her/his parents. However, there is limited interpretation one can make from a single recording of weight and height. A serial record gives us much better idea since it tells us whether the child is growing well or not irrespective of whether she is short/tall for age. Also, if your child is otherwise healthy, active and eating well, there is really no issue for concern. One canjust monitor 6 monthly weight and height to make sure that she continues to grow well.