Is my body temperature of 97.7 F normal?
Prof S Parija
Professor & Head,
Dept. Of Microbiology, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Professor & Head,
Dept. Of Microbiology, JIPMER, Pondicherry
Q: Whenever I am normal, my body temperature is 97.7 F. My question is that if my body temperature goes to 98.8 F, then will this be considered as fever?
A:Body temperature in different persons is not always an absolute at 98.8 F. A variation of body temperature within 1 F is always normal and within physiological limit. If your body temperature at times touches 98.8, it need not be that you are suffering from fever. In case you get fever due to some condition or other your body temperature may continue to rise above 98.8 F.