Is my baby doing fine?
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: My 4 month 10 days old baby has been diagnosed with some ASD & PDA duct 3 mm. Though the baby is having regular mothers feed, the baby initially used to sleep very less and cried a lot and now he is sleeping well and cries lesser. Although the baby is very weak, it seems he is not gaining much weight as expected. He weighed only 2.5 kg at the time of birth and is now 5 kg. He shows all signs that a baby of his age is expected to show. My question is whether the baby is fine? Will he be normal in due course of time and age? Should alternative feeds be given to him like Lactogen? Any chances of him being operated for ASD & PDA?
A:At 4 months he is weighing 5 kg, which is double his birth weight and adequate weight gain. If his PDA is not closing would need to be ligated or closed it with a device. Let his paediatric cardiologist decide about the optimal time of intervention. If he is gaining weight on breast milk there is no need for supplementing formula milk for at least another 2 months.