
Is leprosy curable?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 33 years old man and since childhood my left leg is dry and scaly with shiny skin. I consulted a doctor 10 years back and he told me that I have leprosy and he prescribed the Rcin and Dopsone for 6 months. I took the drugs regularly for 4 months. Then I consulted a homeopathic doctor and he told me that it is not leprosy and prescribed medicines (homeopathy), which I took for 2 years. But due to many reasons I could not continue the treatment for long. Recently a doctor told me that I have leprosy after examining my leg. In my left leg I feel less sensation compared to the right leg and dryness too. The doctor told me that I still have enough immunity and therefore I am not affected severely by it. Then she prescribed tablet Rcin, Topsone and a Parafin solution. Appearancewise there are no other symptoms except dryness and less sensation. Is leprosy curable? Is my current medication correct? Can I lead a normal life after treatment?

A:Leprosy is a curable disease. Relapses and reinfection can occur, but they are very rare. In your case the anaesthetic dry patch may be due to leprosy. However it is necessary to determine if it is active or not. If it is a case of burnt out leprosy, then you do not require any anti leprosy medicines but moisturisers. On the other hand, if it is active, then you may require muti-drug therapy (MDT). It is very likely that you belong to the former category as you have taken treatment in the past. Remember that some residual damage will remain after successful treatment. After treatment you should lead a normal life like any other person.