
Is laser treatment effective for severe sinusitis?

Dr Ameet Kishore
Sr. Consultant Surgeon,
ENT & Neuro-Otology,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I have severe sinusitis due to allergy and polyps. I am suffering with this condition since childhood. Now, the intensity too has increased. I have undergone a FESS twice with a gap of one year. Last time I also got cleaning (suction) done after 6 months after the surgery and now I stand at a point where I need another surgery as my nose is completely blocked. This is really hampering my professional career. I could not talk to any person freely as no one can understand what I talk. I cannot drink water or eat food as my mouth is always engaged in breathing. I recently heard of laser treatment, which will actually damage the polyps and swelling and make the area insensitive and resistant to allergy. It sounds quite beneficial. So please advice me if this is beneficial and if there are any complications?

A:You appear to have significant allergic rhino sinusitis with recurrent nalal polyposis. The best form of treatment currently is surgical removal of the polyps combined with sinus surgery (FESS) along with regular use of steroid nasal sprays and anti-allergy medication. Use of the laser for FESS and polyp surgery only offers another tool for removal of the polyps. There is no proof in the medical literature that laser treatment offers any advantage over current treatment methods in the long term management of this condition.