
Is Lantus better than human insulin?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am trying to work out the relative economy of my standard U human insulin and the new Lantus type. To do that I need to know how many insulin units there are in the basic 10-millilitre vial. It is a basic question, I know, but cant find the answer anywhere. I am very much afraid, even by just asking this question, that my e-mail will be bombarded by the marketers, so I want to see what this elicits before giving any more information about myself.

A:Lantus is the brand name that contains insulin glargine. It contains 100iu per ml. Human insulin are in two strengths: 40iu per ml i.e. 400iu in 10 ml and 100iu per ml i.e. 1000iu in 10 ml. Lantus is not significantly better than human insulin (such as Wosulin) but far more expensive.