
Is lactose intolerance lifelong?

Dr Neelam Mohan
Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist,
Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine

Q: My 6 months old daughter seems to be suffering from lactose intolerance. We have started with zerolac, nestum and home made khichri. Is it ok to breast feed her? Is it a life long problem or tolerance can improve with time? Is it related to gluten allergy?

A:Has the diagnosis of lactose intolerance been confirmed? If yes, then you should give him only lactose free milk/feeds and you cannot breast feed. Lactose intolerance may also be secondary to gastoenterological illness, in which case lactose free diet need not to be given life long. I don't think it is gluten allergy because in such children the symptoms develop 3-4 months after introduction of wheat containing feeds.