
Is it safe to use S-Numlo on daily basis?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am 37 years old male. I am 72 cm tall and weigh 76 kg. I am having hypertension for the last 6 years and taking Amlong 5 mg (amolopidine) daily one tab. Four months back, my blood pressure (BP) was 160/100 mmHg. The doctor advised me to stop Amlong and prescribed me S-Numlo (Amlopidine) 5 mg and Losar 50 daily. Fifteen days back, I checked my BP, it was 140/90 mmHg. I stopped Losar 50 and continue to take S-Numlo (Amlopidine) 5 mg. Is it safe to continue S-Numlo (Amlopidin) 5 mg daily? For physical activity, I use the treadmill (motorised) for 15 minutes daily. Please suggest how I can control my BP.

A:Amlong and S-Numlo are merely brand names. Both contain the same medicine i.e. amlodipine. There is no scientific rationale for replacing one brand with just another brand. You were prescribed two medicines: amlodpine and losartan. Since your blood pressure is controlled just with one medicine i.e. amlodipine, you can continue to take the same (Amlodac from Cadila is the most economical brand) 5mg in the morning daily. Even when the BP is well controlled sometimes there can be temporary fluctuations due to life style reasons such as stress, salt intake etc. One must not jump to additional medicines unless it is established that one drug is not adequate over several weeks. More drugs will mean more side effects.