
Is it safe to take diuretics over a long period of time?

Dr Vijay Kher
Department of Nephrology and Kidney transplant Medicine,
Fortis Kidney and Urology Institute,
Fortis Escorts Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have suffered from nephritis as a child. At the age of 20 years I got rheumatic fever and arthritis, which resulted in RHD (rheumatic heart disease). Ten years back I underwent an operation for mitral stenosis. I was advised calaptin 40mg, amifru 1/2 a tablet along with a pencillin injection once in 3 weeks. I continue taking the tablets even now. But now Rheumatic arthritis has surfaced once again. I have consulted a rheumatologist who has advised me to take sazo-en, neotexrate- 2+3 tablets once a week. It is under control now. My question now is that my rheumatologist mentioned that AMIFRU, a diuretic, should not be taken for such a long period, is this true?

A:Acute nephritis in childhood usually recovers completely without leaving any residual effects. Diuretics are usually not required for long in this condition. You may be on amifru because of mitral valve surgery and your heart rather than kidney dysfunction. You should ask your cardiologist whether you require it or not.