
Is it safe to get pregnant with raised TSH levels?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 29 years female. I had a thyroid test done and the result showed TSH levels to be 25.8, where as the normal range is between 0.25 - 5.0. The doctor prescribed me Eltroxin along with other vitamin and iron supplements. We started to plan for conceiving, but do you think it will be wise to plan for it now? How long shall we need to wait?

A:Raised levels of TSH confirm the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. To know the cause I would advise anti-TPO done. You should delay pregnancy till TSH becomes normal. It takes minimum of 6 weeks for TSH to become normal. Iron should be avoided unless you have iron deficiency anemia as iron interferes with absorption of thyroxine (Eltroxin). Please remember that during pregnancy your thyroid hormone requirement will be more therefore keep getting TSH during each trimester to adjust the dose.