
Is it safe to continue pregnancy after taking Cabergoline?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: My patient has taken 0.5 mg Cabergoline on the 16th day of her period and on the 23rd day of her period. She is pregnant now. What should I do regarding the continuation of pregnancy? Are there any chances of teratogenic effect on fetus? She is a 2nd gravida with one issue of 8 years old.

A:The reasons for prescribing cabergoline have not been mentioned. In any case the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy. Women of reproductive age group who are given cabergoline should mandatorily be advised by the prescriber to use contraception.The pregnancy can continue since the chances of teratogencity are quite small. She should undergo periodic U/S tests as abundant precaution.Needless to say she should forthwith stop the medication.