Is it safe to continue pregnancy?
HOD & Senior Consultant Rheumatologist,
Dr. BL Kapur Hospital, New Delhi
Q: I am a 32 years old female diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis two months back. I started taking medicines including pain killers like Etoshine, calcium, RB tone and paracetamol. Now, I am pregnant. Is it safe to continue the pregnancy? What are the side effects of these medicines on baby?
A:You have written your diagnosis as rheumatic arthritis. Please confirm that it is rheumatic or rheumatoid arthritis. Whether you have got it diagnosed by a rheumatologist, if not, firstly do that. If it is rheumatoid arthritis, then generally symptoms of arthritis generally subside. In your prescription you have written certain medicines, which contain etoshine which is a pain killer and may have side effects on the baby, hence, may be stopped, other medicines are food supplements, hence can be continued with the advice of your gynaecologist and rheumatologist, they will also decide that if you are symptomatic with pain and joint swelling, whether small dose of steroid should be added or not. You can continue your pregnancy and symptoms can be managed. As I have already described above, you are advised to be under the care of a rheumatologist and gynaecologist for proper diagnosis, treatment and follow up for successful outcome of the pregnancy and to see that no complication occurs in you or the child.