
Is it possible to get an HIV infection while kissing?

Q: I kissed a friend of mine 6months ago. I have the problem of bleeding gums. There was a bit of deep mouth kissing involved, but I avoided most of it. That noon, when I was brushing my teeth, I observed a bit of bleeding in my gums. My friend was not bleeding. Is it possible that I get HIV infection from her saliva if she is infected by any chance as I was bleeding? She has had multiple sex partners but has always used condoms. I got HIV tests done at 12 & 15 weeks & both came out negative. Should I go for another test after 24 weeks? I ask this because, its 21 weeks since this & I have loose motions.

A:If any one of the partners is HIV infected and they indulge in deep mouth kissing, there is a risk of HIV transmission if there are cuts / ulcers or bleeding points inside their mouth cavities. The risk, however, is quite low.If your tests are negative 15 weeks after the last such exposure, chances are quite high that you are not infected. To be sure, please get another test repeated 24 weeks after the exposure. If that is also negative, you can be sure about it.This time you are lucky but it may not be so every time. Please refrain from all high risk behaviour activities & play it safe.