
Is it possible to change the gender in a birth certificate after a sex change operation?

Dr MC Gupta (Advocate)
Advocate & Health and Medico-legal Consultant,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 22 years old girl and I want to know whether it is possible to change my birth certificate after I change my sex? Is it possible to meet the juror personally and convince him or is it never possible to change the birth certificate? Can this be done privately? How can I find a good advocate? After sex change, do I need to take hormones throughout my life? Will that make me weak and destroy my immune power? Please suggest.


  1. Birth certificate is issued at the time of birth. Something genuine issued in original years ago cannot be changed later.
  2. Regarding meeting the juror - A juror is a member of the jury. There is no system of jury in India. You can't meet somebody who does not exist. If you mean meeting the judge personally, the answer is no. But, again that question does not arise because there is apparently no litigation in which you are involved.
  3. For the birth certificate - What you need to do is as follows:
    • Get the sex change operation done.
    • Usually, the hospital where you get it done should be able to guide you about legal formalities to be completed, since this must be a routine and crucial requirement for all their patients of this type.
    However, the following should be in order —A) A certificate of sex change by a board of doctors of the hospital concerned;B) An affidavit by you stating the facts and circumstances of the sex change and giving the old and new names;C) A newspaper advertisement to the effect that "I, aged……….., having my date of birth as ………….., resident of …………………………and so far known as Ms…………………, have changed my gender and name and will henceforth be known as Shri…………………".D) An application, accompanied by copies of affidavit and newspaper advertisement, to the employer, requesting for necessary change in the records and issuance of a new identity card.E) An application, accompanied by copies of affidavit, newspaper advertisement and employer's identity card to the following authorities for change in their records and issuance of fresh documents incorporating the change:i Voter’s identity cardii Driving licenseiii Ration cardiv Bank account and debit / credit cardv Passport.F) Employer - Requesting for necessary change in the records and issuance of a new identity card.
  4. For lawyers, a bit of internet search can help.
  5. After the operation you probably may need to take the hormones throughout your life.
  6. No, it will not affect your immune power, if done under proper medical supervision.