
Is it necessary to remove milk teeth causing sensitivity?

Prof Mahesh Verma
Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences,
New Delhi

Q: What is the longest expectancy of a milk tooth lasting? I am 27 years old and I fear that my two milk teeth are about to give up. I am feeling sensitivity in one of them, when I eat or drink cold things. Is it time to have them removed? My dentist says that they should be removed and I should go for two bridges. Is this a necessary procedure or could they last for a few more years? Two years ago a dentist told me that they were fine and that the sensitivity is caused by grinding of teeth due to pre-diabetes. I don't know whom to believe. Two bridges are very expensive especially when cubic-zirconium is used. Please advise.

A:It is possible to have milk teeth when permanent are missing during adulthood. These teeth stay for few years and slowly shed. As these are already loose and doctor has advised you fixed replacement, it may be right to get these extracted and get bridges done at the place. If you do not like preparation of healthy teeth for bridgework, explore the option of getting implants if conditions permit. Get yourself examined for it by doctor who is doing it.