Is it good to take multivitamin and mineral supplements?
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Q: I am 41 years old and have been taking Multi Vit/Multi Min supplements daily. I would like to know if it is alright to take it on a regular basis? I also take vit E supplements (400) as I had read an article about it. If it is safe to take, what dose and frequency is recommended and which is the right time to take it? What are the benifits of taking Vit E supplements?
A:Unless there is proven deficiency, it is generally not necessary to take vitamin supplements since the recommended daily requirements are met by nutritional sources. Even when vitamin preparations are taken prophylactically, it is better to take multi-vitamins rather than just one vitamin. A supplement of 400mg of vitamin E is too high and can be more harmful rather than helpful in the long range due to its side effects. The daily requirement of vitamin E is around 15mg. A low-dose product such as Vitexid that contains 25mg of vitamin E along with other vitamins such as B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12 along with anti-oxidants is preferable.