
Is it alright to eat cooked and stored food for 3-4 days?

Q: Since I do not have much time, I make my food (vegetables, rice, pulses etc.) and keep them in the refrigerator and eat it over a period of 3-4 days. Is the nutritional value of the food retained even if it is eaten after 3-4 days? Will it have any side effects over the long run?

A:The nutritional value of foods is lost to some extent during the process of recooking or reheating. Incase you do not have enough time to cook everyday you can carry on with your practice. There will not be any side effects but be careful about the following things:- store cooked food in proper closed containers in the refrigerator.- warm up only the portions required for your present meals instead of warming up the whole preparation over and over again. This will limit the nutritional losses.- food should be properly cooked before storage. Food that is not cooked thoroughly will have more chances of spoilage and infection after storage.