Is it advisable to test for Down's syndrome?
Dr IC Verma
Sr. Consultant and Head, Department of Medical Genetics,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Sr. Consultant and Head, Department of Medical Genetics,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am 31 yrs old mother of a 5 yrs old daughter. My midwife has told me about Down's syndrome test. I want to know about this test and how useful is it to go for it. Do you advise that I be tested? Please reply as soon as possible as its due between 11th to 13th week. Thanks
A:Between 11-13 weeks you need an ultrasound to judge nuchal thickness and nasal bone and a blood test for PAPP-A & free beta HCG. This will help you to exclude the presence of Down's syndrome in the foetus with an accuracy of 85%. It is advisable you go for these tests.