
Is it advisable to take calcium supplements in old age?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: My parents are above 60 years of age. It is said that it is favourable to take calcium supplements so that the risk of bone brittleness can be tackled. A supplement namely shelcal is available but it is very costly, can you suggest me any alternate drug(s) which can be taken in place of shelcal.

A:Commercial interests are spreading the falsehood that merely taking calcium supplements helps the aging bones. It is scientifically incorrect. Health of bones requires many other ingredients such as Vitamin D and hormones. The brittleness in bones of females is due to hormonal reasons and not only calcium.Calcium supplements are only required if there is documented deficiency of calcium in the blood. Over consumption can lead to stone formation in kidneys. It is much better to take a glass of milkdaily than consume medicines.