
Is it advisable to go for Lasik surgery?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: I am a 26 years old male whose eye power is -5.5(L) and -5(R). Presently I wear contact lenses. I started wearing glasses when I was in class 8, starting from then, every year it has increased by -1, and then it came to almost a stable power now. I am very much upset because of my vision problem. I want to manage it through Lasik treatment, but am afraid since I heard that there are some side effects like after the age of 40+, if cataract comes, the cataract removal is problematic if Lasik operation was done before. Is it true? Is it advisable to go for a Lasik surgery?

A:You have short sightedness (myopia) which is caused by slightly larger size of the eye ball and you need glasses or contact lenses to see better. Although you are born with the condition, it does not make itself obvious until you are a teenager. This is not only because your physical and eye growth is faster but your study also becomes harder & you realise the need for better vision. This defect becomes stable after about 25 years of age when you stop growing like it has done in your case.

LASIK treatment can get rid of the need for glasses but any operation has some side effects and accordingly, LASIK can also have unpredictable result as well as some other complications. It does not affect your cataract surgery at a later stage if required but doctor will need to know then that you have had it earlier.