Is high fever during pregnancy harmful for the baby?
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,
Q: My 27 years old wife is 3 months pregnant and got high fever and typhoid in the end of 2nd month of her pregnancy, E. coli was also found in urine culture. Physician prescribed Trivid (Ofloxacin 200) for two times a day and Azithromycin for 7 days, she had taken all for 7 days. But another doctor said that fever during pregnancy is harmful for the baby and these two medicines too and he suggested for abortion. However, the doctor who prescribed the medicines says that these medicines are safe but fever was harmful and can affect the baby. Please suggest whether abortion is needed or not.
A:Fever is certainly harmful, and high fever can even cause fetal death. If typhoid develops, it has to be treated. As for the antibiotics given, the dose is not sufficient to cause harm, and if she has taken them after 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, which might be so, as currently she is nearly starting the fourth month, there is not too much cause for worry. To make sure baby is normal and healthy, you can have an ultrasound check at about 16-18 weeks and a maternal serum Alpha protein test. If these are normal, most likely the baby is healthy, which anyways is more likely. The decision for abortion should be considered only after the ultrasound in case of the very small 2% risk of an abnormality.