
Is hiatus hernia linked to abdomen pain?

Dr Sameer Malhotra
Head, Division of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Fortis Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 41 years old male suffering from anxiety disorder for the past eight years. I also experience a constant dull pain in my upper left abdomen, which radiates to left side of chest and back. The pain neither goes away with rest nor intensifies with exertion. I have hiatus hernia of one cm. Is hiatus hernia linked to abdomen pain? Recently, I underwent ECG, which showed non-specific T wave inversion. But the doctor didn’t show any concern to non-specific T wave inversion. What does it mean?

A:You have reported anxiety disorder with some dull persistent pain in the upper left abdomen that radiates to the chest and the back. One needs to carefully review your history in detail. Anxiety can present in different forms. At times people experience somatic (bodily) manifestations of anxiety that include symptoms of physical pain. At times our worrying behaviour as a part of anxiety makes us think about the remotest negative possibilities, further aggravating the somatic symptoms and feelings of helplessness. You have also reported hiatus hernia. T wave inversion on ECG should be seen in light of associated abnormalities of ST segment. T wave is normally inverted in a VR of ECG. T wave inversion can happen in a host of clinical problems ranging from fever, electrolyte disturbances, anaemia, acute abdominal conditions, effect of some drugs and so on. Anxiety disorders are treatable. I suggest you seek appropriate guidance from a psychiatrist, gastroentrologist and a cardiologist to do away with your doubts and to enjoy the best of health. Relaxation sessions and dietary regulation can also be of some help.