
Is Grommet (tube) necessary to treat middle ear infection?

Dr (Prof) D Balakrishnan
Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon,
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital, Chennai

Q: My 1.8 years old baby has been advised by the doctor to insert Grommets in both his ears since he is having middle ear infection. Will this help?

A:I understand your predicament. You are wondering whether a small baby requires such operations. The solution for such a doubt is to get a consultation with a good specialist, discuss with him and to decide based on the output of the discussions. Another possible solution is to get a second opinion from an equally experienced specialist. Hopefully, such interactions will help you to arrive at an informed decision. The raison d’etre of this forum is also similar. Nowadays, doctors do encourage getting such second opinions. The first doctor, you consulted, may himself suggest the name of another specialist for such an opinion. Finally, it is your decision. To make your job easier, I am giving you small write up on grommets. This write up contains answers to most of the common queries on this subject.There is a tube called the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear with the nose and the throat. Whenever there is a cold, the infection in these two places reaches the ear easily. This may cause some mucus to collect inside the middle ear. Such an event reduces the free mobility of the eardrum and results in a hearing impairment. However such collections usually resolve in a few weeks completely. Occasionally the mucus collection gets thick and refuses to go away. This disease is called a glue ear. In such children, a small incision is made to drain the thick fluid. To prevent further recurrence and to ensure equal air pressure on either side of the eardrum, a Teflon plastic tube is inserted in the eardrum. This tube is called a grommet because of its shape. Usually the grommets stay in place for a few months to a year at the maximum, after which they get extruded.When they extrude, they may have to be reinserted.The adenoids are tissues similar to the tonsils. They are situated in the highest part of the throat right behind the nasal cavities. They enlarge during every episode of cold and become normal when the cold resolves.Because of their situation very close to the Eustachian tube, the tube gets blocked when the adenoids enlarge. This results eventually in a glue ear. In selected children who have a severe degree of nasal obstruction due to adenoids, surgical removal of the adenoidal tissue is also done at the same time as insertion of grommet. But, this surgery is done after the child grows up a little. Many times, just an insertion of grommets suffices.The problems that can arise from insertion of grommets: After insertion of a grommet, whenever there is another cold episode, obviously the mucus discharge will again reach the middle ear through the Eustachian tube and this time, it will drain through the open grommet. Another common cause of ear discharge in a child with grommet is getting water into the ears, during bathing or due to soaking in rains. This may lead to an infection and ear discharge may ensue. Depending on the severity and the nature of the infecting organisms, the discharge may be blood stained. When the infection progresses, there might even be pain. This is one of the expected outcomes.The ideal treatment is prevention. But when it has occurred, meticulous cleaning of the ear and a few eardrops will resolve the problem totally. The drops that you have mentioned (Sofradex) are fine. However, as with every other antibiotic, you may need to change the same depending on the clinical outcome. Cleaning the ear is as important as the instillation of the drops.Quite obviously, any cold will have to be treated simultaneously. Such a treatment will resolve the issue completely.