
Is Femilon safe for polycystic ovaries?

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I was diagnosed to have polycystic ovaries in 1996 when I was just 17. My hormonal imbalance continued when I was being treated wrongly by dermatologists for the skin problem (now diagnosed as lichen planus). They gave me lots of steroids. Later, I switched over to Ayurveda, where I got little relief, but unfortunately, the doctor died within a year and we did not have the name of the medicine also. Now, my problem is postponed periods. Once I get my bleeding, it lasts continuously upto 4 months or more. I am taking Femilon from the last 8 months. I have no control over my weight now. My gynaecologist suggests me to take Femilon as long as I am planning my family. I don't want to have a baby for 2 years. Is it safe to take Femilon for 2 years? Will I not have problems later like delayed child birth and no control on weight. Also, I have suffered from migraine continuously on a daily basis for 7 years. Nowadays, I do yoga and have headache for 3 days a month. Please help.

A:From your history it appears you are overweight. It is essential for you to loose weight. If using femilon gives you a menstrual bleeding period which lasts for only 4 to 5 days then it is the medicine you can have for the next couple of years to correct your hormonal imbalance. It is very safe and will help you conceive easily also. You must get the endometrial thickness of your uterus measured on the 2nd or 3rd day of your period once in six months and if it is 4 mm or less than that then you need not get any other evaluation done during the treatment.