
Is drinking too much water harmful for the body?

Q: I am 36 year old healthy male. I have a habit of drinking a lot of water On an average I tend to drink 6 to 7 liters of water per day. Apart from this my other fluid intake in a day includes - one glass of milk, 3 to 4 large cups of tea, a glass or two of juice and once or twice a week one odd coke. I believe that I drink so much fluid because I exercise reasonably well. I go for atleast 8 kms run 4 to 5 times a week and climb up and down four stories of stairs [even though the lift is there] atleast thrice daily. I am being told that so much fluids and especially water will harm me in the long run and may especially damage my kidneys. Please advise.

A:Drinking water will not cause any harm to your body. One must drink 1-2 litres water every day but incase you exercise a lot then your body needs more water and fluids. Anything that can cause harm in your case is drinking too much tea may be you should consider taking lesser tea.