Is cyclosporin an expensive drug?
Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Q: What is the price of 100 mg cyclosporin In India or if we import this medicine in Pakistan? There are poor people who cannot afford to buy Neoral by Novartis.
A:Novartis sells its brand of cyclosporin called Sandiimmun Neoral for Rs. 6010 (Indian, or US$ 130) for 50 capsules of 100 mg each. It comes to US$ 2.6 per capsule.The Indian company Cipla sells its brand of cyclosporin called Imusporin for Rs. 460 (US$ 10) for 5 capsules of 100 mg each. It comes to US$ 2 per capsule. I am sure that the export price to Pakistan will be much lower since local duties, promotional expenses will not be involved.