Is breech position during 23rd week of pregnancy harmful?
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,
Q: I am a 31 years old female into my 23rd week of pregnancy. I just came to know that my baby is in breech position. The cord is rounded against his neck. Is it harmful? What precautions should I take?
A:You will need repeat scans and hopefully the fetus will turn and have the cord away from it's neck. Repeat scans to make sure the cord is not getting tighter are necessary- if that happens then you may need an early delivery to save the baby. Some good hospitals with good nursery facility are able to save babies as small as one kg or of about 32 weeks. You need to select your hospital based on nursery facility. The possibilities are 1. Baby will turn, cord will move away and all will be well- normal delivery. 2. The breech will remain- cord loose and cesarean delivery, at term or before term- in case of preterm labour/ complication of breech pregnancy like ROM, early contractions, delayed labour. 3. Breech remains and cord gets tighter at some point of time before term- so early delivery by cesarean section.