
Is anaesthesia ineffective in my case?

Dr TS Jayalakshmi
Red Cross Society,
New Delhi

Q: I am 28 years old and have had a couple of teeth extracted. But I have a problem of numbness. The local anaesthesia does not work for me. I had severe pain when I went to the dentist for an extraction. But I have three more to be extracted. What do I do?

A:The pain must be due to either inadequate block of the nerve or sufficient time has not been given for the drug to act. If you feel numb, at the site of injection, it shows that the drug has acted. After some time of extraction if pain is felt, it means that the action of the drug has worn off. You can tell your dentist about this and he can prescribe you a painkiller the next time. You seem to be very anxious and nervous. Relax and discuss this with your doctor.