
Is a kidney transplant necessary for my uncle?

Dr Sridhar Reddy Allam
Capital Nephrology Medical Group,
Sacramento, California, USA.

Q: My 52 years old uncle is suffering from increased creatinine level for the last five months. Recently, it reached to 13 mg and was admitted to the hospital. He is not having a single physical problem like swelling or urinary itching. In the hospital, dialysis was done and the doctor suggested us to undergo kidney transplant. Is it necessary to undergo for kidney transplant?

A:It is a well known fact that kidney failure per se generally does not cause any symptoms until it progresses to an advanced stage. The first thing we look in a patient presenting with kidney failure is whether it happened over a long period of time (commonly from longstanding diabetes and hypertension) or in a short period of time. Then we have to investigate the cause of kidney failure from history, physical examination, urine tests, blood tests and kidney imaging. Sometimes, we may need to do kidney biopsy to find out the exact cause. Most conditions that cause kidney failure, if not addressed early, lead to scar formation in the kidney. At this stage, there is nothing that can be done to reverse scarring of the kidney. Unfortunately, only option left at this point to keep the patient alive is either dialysis or kidney transplantation.