If the fetal heart beat is low, is abortion necessary?
Q: I am 8 weeks pregnant for the first time. On checking up, the doctor says that the heart beat is low with less growth and has advised me to go in for abortion. Is there anyway I can be saved from abortion and If I am going for abortion would it be harmful in the future affecting my chances of conceiving again?
A:The embryonic heart starts beating about 22 days after conception, i.e. about five weeks after the last menstrual period (fifth week of pregnancy). At this stage it is too small to be heard but an ultrasound may sometimes show it as a flickering in the chest. Around the 9th-10th week of pregnancy fetal heart sound can be heard depending on the position of the transducer placed, position of uterus, and your body build. By the 12th week though, the heartbeat can usually be heard consistently. A normal fetal heart rate usually is between 120 and 160 beats per minute. The baby’s heart beat is affected by maternal, placental and fetal factors. I think it will be prudent to wait for a few weeks and then repeat the ultrasound to know the status. Wish you all the best.