I have hypertension, will I get diabetes too?
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi
Q: I am 37 years old, 95 kgs and height of 6 ft living in Bangalore. My father was a diabetic and had blood pressure. He expired at 62 years due to renal failure. I also have blood pressure of 135-95 and I am on medication of Adalat Retard 10mg morning and night for the past 3 years. I do not have diabetes as of now - 1 month old blood tests. Of late I have started getting burning sensation on the palms of my hand and toes on both the sides. My appetite is normal and have no other problems.
A:Your problems are hypertension and overweight with a background of family history of diabetes and renal disease. Please follow these instructions:1. For evaluation of hypertension get blood urea, creatinine, electrolytes, urine analysis, ECG and X-ray chest. If abnormal get a ultrasound for kidneys as well. Also get fundus examination to know impact of hypertension on eyes.2. For diagnosis or to rule out get OGTT i.e., blood glucose: fasting and 2-hrs post 100 gm glucose. If normal get this repeated after every three years.3. Your BP is not controlled so add Aten-D to adalat.4. For reduction of weight do daily aerobic exercise (brisk walk, jogging, swimming, tennis, badminton etc.) and a low calorie low fat diet and be persistent with these with a goal of two kg weight reduction every month.5. For your problem of burning sensation in palms and toes first try Neucobal plus twice a day for 15 days and if not controlled get in touch with a neurologist. Hope this answers most of your queries.