
I have a family history of asthma what are the chances of my children being asthmatic?

Dr PSN Menon
Consultant & Head, Department of Pediatrics
Jaber Al-Ahmed Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait

Q: My grandmother, my father and myself are asthamatic persons, however it is not severe and each of us can control the attacks. I am curious to no if my son aged 2 years will inherit. I hope not. If he has a chance is there anything that I can do now to prevent it doctor ? Please advice me.

A:Recent studies have identified the gene and its possible abnormalities (mutations) responsible for asthma. These are preliminary studies and your family with multiple members in more than 2 generations affected with the disease apperas to be one of the best to participate in any study being conducted in India. However to the best of my knowledge, no research lab is at the moment offering clinical services based on these in India or abroad. I hope that the service will be available soon!