
I am not able to eat anything due to severe nausea in pregnancy, what should I do?

Dr Neesha Choksy
Consultant Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer,
Texas, USA

Q: I am 23 years old. I am 16 weeks pregnant and this is my first pregnancy. I guess I am in the 2nd trimester now. I had very bad nausea in the 1st trimester, now I feel a bit okay. I am not able to eat prenatal vitamins and folic acid due to nausea. Is it too late to take folic acid now? I lost about 7 pounds. My pregnancy weight was 110 pounds earlier, but now it is only 103 pounds. I am not able to eat anything till now. I am trying as far as I can. Please advise.

A:Make sure not to restrict your diet during pregnancy. If you do, you might not get the right amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals that are necessary to properly nourish your unborn baby. Folic acid can help prevent serious birth defects of your baby’s brain and spine. Please see your doctor immediately so that he can start you up on the suitable dose of vitamins.Morning sickness and nausea are common problems for pregnant women. Most nausea occurs during the early part of pregnancy and, in most cases, will subside now that you have entered the second trimester. The changes in your body might cause you to be nauseated or to vomit when you smell or eat certain things, when you are tired or stressed, or for no apparent reason at all. Nausea in early pregnancy is a condition that often can be managed by changing when and what you eat. Try these tips:

  • Eat smaller meals each day, such as six to eight small meals instead of three larger ones.
  • Avoid being without food for long periods of time.
  • Drink plenty fluids between, but not with, meals.
  • Avoid foods that are greasy, fried, or highly spiced.
  • Avoid foul and unpleasant odours.
  • Rest when you are tired.
Severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is rare, but if it occurs, it can cause you to become dehydrated. If you feel that your nausea or vomiting is keeping you from eating right and as it appears has made you lose weight, talk with your doctor immediately.