
How to treat syphilis?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I have 2 round button shaped rings on the tip of my penis which are reddish and are at 1 O' clock and 7 O' clock positions. My VDRL is 1:64 (reactive)/HIV is negative. Doctor has diagnosed s1. These does not secrete or bleed on touching and do not pain except while urinating. This happened 2 days after I had an oral exposure to a known friend who was drunk. What is this diesease it an STD? I did not penetrate though. What is the possible cure? Since Pencillin injection was reacting they have put me on Tetracyclin capsules(500 mg X 4 daily)..I am taking a second opinion..please help.

A:You had syphilis which is a sexually transmitted disease. Not likely to be due to recent sexual exposure. As per your description, it is likely to be primary or secondary syphilis. Treatment of choice is Penicillin. If sensitive to Penicillin, take Erythromycin 500 mg 6 hourly for 15 days. Repeat VDRL test after 1 month and 3 months for falling titre (levels).