How to treat prominent breasts in males?
Consultant Endocrinologist,
Sunder Lal Jain Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I am a 18 year old person with obesity. According to latest reports in the news papers, I compared my case and found that I am having gynaecomastia , i.e. fat deposits around my breasts. My testosterone levels are also miserably low only 218 mg whereas the blood report done suggests 292-900 as the normal range. My penis is also hardly 1 inch long and I want to make it longer. I get erections at odd times which is very embarrassing. Also my weight now is 109 kg. So even when I want to enjoy, I cannot because of my breasts. I don't feel any attraction for girls and my body shape makes me attracted towards boys. I fear becoming a gay. I want to get out of this trouble but my mother is reluctant to take me to a doctor. I am ready for exercise but only with medicines. Kindly help!
A:I am not sure what you mean by ready for exercise but only with medicines, because what you urgently need is exercise. If you go regularly for long walks, do some upper body exercises and avoid fried foods, mithai and other calorie laden foods, you will start to lose weight and build muscle. That will reduce your breast size, and also the fat around your lower abdomen, so that your penis does not look so small. At your age, many boys do have erratic erections, which are embarrassing, but if you do not get very worked up about it, luckily they do settle with time. Once you have a more defined body shape with regular exercise, you should get the serum testosterone retested, along with serum FSH, in a POOLED sample (blood is drawn 3 times, at gaps of 15-20 minutes, then pooled together and tested), The key to all this is to exercise REGULARLY, and be careful about fatty foods.