
How to treat hyperactive airway disease in children?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: Akankshya is one and half years old. She is a bonny baby weighing 11kg. and quite normal for her age. She is suffering from cold, nasal congestion and cough frequently. For the past one month, she has cold & cough and is unable to sleep at night. First the doctor pescribed Sefradoxil tablets and last week the doctor changed the medicine, pescribing some other antibiotics. She does not have fever, but is suffering from nasal congestion and cough. Previously a doctor had pescribed anti-allergics - i.e. (Betnesol). She has allergy to dust and pollution. I am worried for her. Please advise. Thanks and regards. Ashok Pratihari

A:Akankshya seems to be suffering from Allergic rhinitis and hyperactive airway disease which means her respiratory airways are hypersensitive and that is why she is more prone to recurrent cough and colds. Most of these episodes are not due to bacterial infections and do not need antibiotics. Most of these babies are relieved by oral decongestants and inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled steroids may also be used if indicated. Repeated or prolonged use of oral steroids like Betnesol should be avoided unless it is really indicated. Your pediatrician is the best judge for this. Most of these babies, as they grow to the age of 4-6 years, may outgrow this problem. If you are sure that she has allergy to dust and smoke, avoid exposure to these and take all precautions.