
How to treat high uric acid level in blood?

Dr SJ Gupta
Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi

Q: What is the medication/remedy of high uric acid in blood? My uric acid level is 8.5 mg. I am a vegetarian, tee totaller male 50 years old. My weight is 91 kgs and height is 5'10". Due to this problem, I sometimes have severe pain in my right small toe joint. This goes away by taking Indocap and Zyloric but it recurs within a week or 10 days. I do not want to remain on medication always, is ther any other way? Mohan Gupta

A:If a high serum uric acid is not causing any problems, then it does not require treatment. High uric acid may cause kidney stones or acute joint inflammation- Gout. If there are kidney stones or recurrent gout, then long-term (usually life-long) treatment with Zyloric maybe needed to keep the uric acid normal and prevent the gout attacks. It is important to remember that Zyloric IS NOT A TREATMENT FOR THE ACUTE ATTACK. You should consult a rheumatologist, who can best guide you.