
How to treat H. pylori infection?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I am suffering from H. pylori infection. I am taking treatment from P.G.I.Chandigarh since 1998. I have pain normally in my stomach and despite taken the medicines prescribed, I am not feeling totally fine. I am also mentioning my report: 1.CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS: NUD; 2. GROSS: 1 FPM, meas. 0.2 cm diam. AE. 3. MICRO: Antral biopsy shows an intact mucosa. The lamina propria shows a mild mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Few H. pylori seen. 4. DIAGNOSIS: STOMACH (Antrum): Inflammation, chronic inactive, with H. pylori. I am taking the following medicines: 1. Amoxilin Kit(Morning & Evening) 2. Pandoc and Ciza etc. I requested you to kindly suggest me the proper medicine to overcome this disease.

A:It appears that your doctor has diagnosed you to have a condition called Non- ulcer dyspepsia (NUD). Treatment for H. pylori consists of 10-14 day course of medications. If you did have an ulcer diagnosed by endoscopy, then it would be useful to get another test to determine if the treatment was successful in eradicating your infection with H. pylori. This is important because persistant infection is associated with recurrance of ulcer. On the other hand, if you did not have ulcer disease it is not important to check again for H. pylori, since its role in NUD has not been established. You should discuss these issues with your doctor in PGI.