
How to treat febrile convulsion in babies?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My child who is 11 months old. she fell ill we took her to doctor.he gave some medcine.she was not day she was very hot with hi temperature fever.she kept her hands and legs stiffly.and some boobles were coming from her mouth.i think she expierensed fits. we took her to nursing home.and she recovered after 4 days my question isthat is there any chanse to come such fits in future.

A:Your baby had a Febrile convulsion which means developing a fit with high fever. This is not uncommon in this age group and this tendency may remain till the age of 2 years and sometimes till 4-6 years specially if there is a history of fits with fever in the family. Most often these simple febrile convulsions are not associated with any long term problems except that they may recur with fever during this age group. You should take care of controlling the fever with medicines prescribed by you doctor or doing tepid sponging and not with ice cold water. Sometimes medicines may be used to stop the fit if it occurs. Best advice is to take these precautions and dont panic if the fit occurs as they would stop in short time, control fever and see your pediatrician to find the cause of fever. If the child was to have prolonged fits lasting more than 20 minutes or fits without fever, child needs to be investigated and treated accordingly.