
How to treat Essential tremor?

Dr RS Wadia
Honorary Professor of Neurology,
BJ Medical College, Pune

Q: My hand starts trembling whenever I am tense to the extent that I cannot even sign or hold a glass with one hand. Please advise what I should do. I do not have any other health problem and my BP is 140/85. I am 46 years old.

A:This is a condition called Essential tremor. If you do not have asthma or bronchitis you may try Inderal 10mg 1 morning and 1 evening for 7 days and increase to 2 morning and 2 evening. Another good drug is Mysoline 1/4 tab at bedtime for 6 days and then increase to 1/2 daily. Unfortunately this drug is not now available in the Pune area but if it is available in your area try it.