How to treat endometriosis?
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I took danazol for 9 months in 1998 subsequent to diagnostic laparoscopy which showed endometriosis. The pain did not subside and I was advised to get the left ovary (where the cyst was found) removed and I underwent laparoscopy for that in Nov 1999. Since then my periods are not normal - there is undue delay (sometimes once in two months) and there is heavy discharge. Although I have been seeking medical opinion there is no real improvement. Our family doctor says that there is need for supplementing hormones. I have only one son (born in 1988) but after that have not conceived. Please advise.
A:You need to have your basal hormones evaluated to know whether too much of ovarian tissue thus function is lost or not. Get the following hormones evaluated on the second day of a natural period or after 1 to 1 1/2 months of no periods but these tests should be undertaken only if you are not taking any hormones like danazol or oral contraceptives during this period. The tests are: S. FSH, S. LH, S. E2, S. Prolactin. Show the results to your gynaecologist and then one would be able to know your problem and further solution to it.