
How to treat discolouration and irregularity of teeth?

Dr Vijay Mathur
Senior Research Officer,
Department of Dental Surgery,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 33 years old woman. My teeth are one over the other especially on the front side. Recently I observed a black colour coating formed on the central and the lateral incisors and on the lower teeth. Please let me know if it is normal. If not what is to be done to cure it?

A:As per your letter, I can understand that it is the irregularity of teeth alignment, we call it malocclusion. Because of the improper alignment, your brush is unable to clean the area between the teeth and yellow-black calculus or tartar is being deposited between these teeth. You need to show to a dentist who can clean this deposit first and then an orthodontist can correct this problem of alignment with the help of certain wires.