
How to treat black circles around eyes?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I am facing a problem of black-eye ring around eyes and eye-brows. The doctors here in Bellary district say that I am having hyperpigmentation on the face and they advised me to apply UVAB sunscreen cream on the face. At present I am applying the sunscreen UVAB SF of Dr.Reddys. Will there be any side effects in the long term? After applying the cream the brown-coloured patches on the nose and the cheek seem to be disappearing. But my problem of black-eye ring still exists. Since I am having fair complexion, anybody seeing my face thinks that my eyes are tired. Though I am physically healthy, I feel tired when working with computers. Please advise or prescribe to overcome the above said problem. What steps should I take so that my work is not be hamppered at the same time. Please also advise me regarding sun-screen or any other means through which the hyperpigmentation problem could be solved permanently.

A:Every drug is likely to produce some side effects. The topical preparation you are using is quite safe. It takes time to get rid of hyperpigmentation of the face. Without proper examination and without knowing you condition, I can not suggest any kind of treatment. Please consult a dermatologist. Protection from sunlight and having a good sleep may help.