
How to treat a hairline fracture in the ankle?

Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,

Q: Last year I got a hairline fracture in the ankle of my right leg. The doctor said that the layer on some parts of the bones have been damaged and it is a class 3 sprain. I put POP for 3 weeks at that time but since then I have not been very comfortable. Sometimes it pains while running and jumping. When I rotate my right foot a clicking sound is audible from the joint. What is the reason and what should I do?

A:One year is a long time to have neglected yourself. You must not have done your physiotherapy exercises properly and might have taken it lightly.I suggest you go to a physiotherapist and get a proper clinical examination done. Proper strengthening exercises, gait training and if there is any shortening of any tendon, stretching of the same should relieve your pain. Please do not give up this time unless you are fully recovered.