
How to tackle pain due to tailbone injury at home?

Q: My wife is a 38-year-old schoolteacher and a mother of 2 children. She has a history of 2 operations on the birth of my children. She injured her tailbone with the corner of the dressing table, while working at home 3 years back. She feels pain intermittently and sometimes it really hurts her, when she sits or tries to get up. Since the area is almost a private part, I am not willing to open it to the doctor in person. How to take care of this problem?

A:It is advisable that your wife see an orthopaedic surgeon regarding this problem. In any case she should have an x-ray done of the injured area. She can show the film to the specialist in case she is reluctant to be physically examined. Most likely it is the old injury that is causing the pain but sometimes there are serious complications that can develop post injury to the bone. This is what should be ruled out. Meanwhile she should sit at least twice a day in a solution of hot water and salt for approximately 20 minutes at a time. Particular attention should be paid to immersing the affected area. She could use a rubber ring under herself whenever she sits on a hard surface so that there is no impact to the painful area. This ring is available at any chemists and might help the bone to heal faster. If the pain is particularly bothersome she could have a tablet of Paracetomol which is a mild pain reliever.