How to stop bottle feeding?
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: My son is now 3 years 4 months old. He is not able to bite nor chew solid food. He is also still bottle fed (milk alone). When he drinks from a cup, he takes one sip at a time only. Till he was 2 1/2 years, I only gave mashed food (because it took less time). And I used to give water with spoon until after 2 years. How should I stop the bottle? I tried some tricks which didnt work. He is too attached to the bottle and refuses to drink milk (which he is very fond of). How to make him drink continuously (take several sips at a time)?How to train him to eat solid foods?
A:The only way to stop bottle feeding is to throw away the bottle. If he is fond of milk then he will drink it from a glass. If on the other hand he is fond of the bottle, then the sooner you stop it the better. He will learn to drink continuously from a glass, do not worry. If he does not drink milk give him curd or add milk to his cereal. Stop mashing his food as much as you have been and slowly stop mashing it totally.