How to remove cholesterol marks on eyelids?
Instructor in Ophthalmology,
Harvard Medical School,
Boston, USA
Q: How does one get rid of cholesterol marks on eyelids? Is it safe to go for laser surgery or are there any natural remedies for this?
A:Xanthelasmas (cholesterol marks) are small deposits of cholesterol under the surface of the skin. They are not painful. They usually appear in the skin of the eyelids near the nose. They are common skin disorders, particularly among older adults and persons with elevated blood lipids (fat levels) or cholesterol levels. Depending on the size and location, several different methods can be used to address this problem, ranging from simple surgical excision to laser treatment (CO2 laser or Er:YAG laser) to chemical peeling. Laser surgery has been reported to give good outcomes. You should contact a plastic surgeon and discuss the possible risks. I am not aware of any natural remedies for this condition.