
How to prevent chicken pox during pregnancy?

Dr Arvind Taneja

Q: My son is 16 months old. He has got chicken pox. I am expecting my second child ( 32 weeks over). How safe should I be? My Blood glucose level is 141mg. is it ok. What are the preventive measures to be taken. Please help.

A:You should check your chicken Pox antibody titres if you are pregnant and your 16 month old has chicken Pox. If your mother or you remember your having had Chicken Pox earlier in life then your unborn child is safe, otherwise there is danger to your unborn fetus. If your antibody tests reveal that you have never been exposed to Chicken Pox earlier in life, then you should immediately take VZIG(Varicella-Zoster Immune globulin) which isan expensive product, but will protect your unborn child from the ravages of Intrauterine chickenpox.